Virtual Jobs 4 Moms

Virtual Jobs 4 Moms
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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Money Matters

A penny saved is a penny earned. 

Telecommuting usually means a standard trade off for most-making personal sacrifices financially for the flexibility and ease of working from home. Most see value in the trade...I know I do!

So I know the main concern holding people back from deciding to work from home is-"How can I survive on a lower income?" The answer is simple. You can either work harder in multiple at home jobs for more money, negotiate higher pay OR you can find ways to save on usual expenses and realize that you can make an earnest living with the new changes. 

While your expenses such as mortgage, and car payments will stay the same regardless of your income, you do have the capability to make changes & to find ways to save on the expenses you do have control over. This may mean shopping around for lower auto/home insurance, setting up budgets and sticking to them, making your home more energy efficient to save on utilities, switching from your traditional landline to cable or VoIP, switching internet service, switching cable or satellite and anything else you can "shop around" for.

And don't forget coupons! You knew this was coming. I cannot stress enough that savings are everywhere. Remember, you are now saving on child care, gas, work attire, work lunches etc. You can also save on groceries, date nights, family outings, sporting equipment for the kids-everything, with coupons! Newspapers, online, websites, facebook, clipping services, email lists, and great coupon apps- the places to get coupons are endless and you'll soon learn that you don't need to pay full price for things. Just because you are bringing home less income, doesn't mean that your family needs to suffer. Your lower income doesn't have to be a curse unless you make it one and remember, a penny saved is a penny earned!

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